====== Editing videos using Shotcut ====== This short video tutorial (5 minutes) shows how to prepare a video lecture for upload by normalising the audio level and applying fade-in/out to the start and end. {{ :videolecture:howtoeditvideos.mp4 |}} The Shotcut software (Windows, MacOS, Linux) can be downloaded from: [[http://shotcut.org | shotcut.org]] Summary of steps: * Open Shotcut. * Drag the original video file onto the Playlist. * Drag the video from the Playlist onto the Timeline. * Select the clip in the timeline and in the Filters panel add Normalize: Two Pass. * Click Analyze. * Set the desired target volume, e.g., -19 LUFS (Loudness Units relative to Full Scale). * In the Filters panel add: Fade In Audio, Fade Out Audio, Fade Out Video. * In the Export panel click on Export.