Table of Contents

Information Literacy — instructors' notes and ideas

Original PPT slides: il2-00.pdf

If the lecture is split between two rooms, how well could flipping the class actually work?

How will the staff be divided between the two rooms?

What social media or other systems can we prepare and use to engage the students?

Need help with effectively using social media (Pr. Liang? Mr. Katsuma?)


Each week: Students submit three sources of online information that they used. For search engines, say what search terms or phrase was used. For other sources, say how the source was found. For each source: how high is your confidence in the quality of information?


What is the preferred method of

Reinforce learning through active reflection.

Or motivate learning by orienting material towards student interests.

Use active/literate materials to present and demonstrate concepts interactively offline


Week 1 — Professional communication tools

Course personnel and web site.

Course outline: information, digital, computer, and general literacy.

In this course we concentrate on the practical aspects of using computers to communicate any kind of information effectively. We will cover many different aspects about how to find, retrieve, store, manipulate, and share information using computers and networks in a safe and efficient manner.

Communication tools

Interactive vs. non-interactive. Advantages and disadvantages.


Still the standard communication tool in professional life (academic, industry). E-mail paradigm: sender, encoder, transport, decoder, recipient. Parts of the e-mail message: date, from, to, cc, bcc, subject.

E-mail addresses
Email etiquette (netiquette)

Note on presentation style: the main points below are presented descriptively (not prescriptively) as solutions to questions intended to encourage intuitive understanding


Dear Katsuma-san,
Information received - thank you!
Effective communication and organisation

Documents attached to an e-mail message.

E-mail safety and security

E-mail is a potential way an attacker can inject viruses or malware into your computer, or steal your personal information (rapidly followed by your personal money, possessions, etc.).

E-mail filters

Most e-mail clients (Apple iMail, Mozilla Thunderbird, etc.) let you set up filters to perform automated actions on your e-mail.

Other communication channels

There are lots of them. They typically differ from e-mail either because

Informal channels, not so useful for work: Instagram, Facebook

Informal channels that can be useful for work: SMS, Line, etc.; e.g., for announcing your train is delayed and you will be late for a meeting

Formal channels that support work: Slack, MS Teams, specialised sites like for software development (issues, bug tracking, task assignment, etc.)


Faculty and managers and more likely to prefer email while students and new hires may be more likely to use texting for their primary communication.

Text messages are brief and come with the expectation that they will be quickly answered within a few minutes to a couple of hours. E-mails are often longer and a response may not be expected for 1 to 2 days. E-mails are more likely to be classified and saved, and referenced again long after they were sent. Because they are brief, text messages tend to be condensed, be more informal, and use more abbreviations. Follow these general guidelines when texting in a professional setting:

Assignment (graded)

We could also reverse this: Mr. Katsuma sends an e-mail to the entire class, and everyone has to “reply-to-sender” with the requested information.

Find an image that you like a lot (either on the Internet or a personal image that is OK to share). Download it. Compress it into a .zip file. Write an e-mail to: and attach the .zip file with the image to the message. In your message:

Mr. Katsuma will respond to you with a short question (actually, four questions but we won't say so at first):

Dear course member,

Thank you for your e-mail and the attached image.  Can you tell me...
1. Why did you choose that image?
2. Where did you get the image?
3. What do you think are the four most important rules that you should always do when using e-mail?
4. What are four examples of things you should not do when using e-mail?

Looking forward to your reply!

Katsuma Yoshiyuki

Reply to him, quoting his question(s), and responding to each of them in-line.

10 points maximum for

Week 2 — Text processing

Simple text editors for trivial documents: Notepad, TextEdit, LeafPad

Serious text editors

Desktop publishing

MS Word

Online resources: MS's own tutorials

Set your Word UI language to English!


Setting your author name and initials, default paper size, spelling and auto-correction preferences, character encoding (always use UTF-8), etc.

Getting started
Basic formatting
Lists and quotations
Using the ruler: indentation
Using the ruler: tabs
Line spacing
Page formatting
Pictures and tables
Mathematical formulae

Assignment (graded)

Either: create a short document about yourself (home town, hobby, favorite things, etc.)

Or: download a prepared Word file that contains a “literate tutorial” covering

Preparation for next class


Week 3 — Presentation preparation

Presentation software: making slides, page templates, images and drawings, export as PDF, math formulae Output formats: PDF for sharing and printing

Golden rule:

Assignment (graded)

Make a short article or slide show on a topic of interest, including graphics or photos.

Save as PDF and e-mail it to the instructor.

Or: in-class engagement activity

Next week preparation


Week 4 — Number processing

Spread sheet software: tabulation, formulae, import/export as CSV files tricks to anchor cell references, graphs and charts

Integration with Word/PPT
Connections to external data

Assignment (graded)


Next class preparation


Week 5 — File system organisation

Why using the command line to access your files will make you five times more productive and a more effective engineer

Kinds of media: SSH, HDD, Flash

Hierarchical file system layout and organisation

Sharing files and folders

File system navigation

Finder/Explorer vs. the command line

File attributes

Assignment (graded)


Next class preparation


Week 6 — The command line

Why using the command line for everything will make you ten times more productive and a more effective engineer

Terminal ‘shell’ vs. Windows command prompt

Commands and arguments compared to words in text

Processing file contents using command-line programs

Searching, sorting, modifying, analysing data in text files ===

Standard input and output

Pipelines: combining simple commands to perform complex tasks

Using CSV files as simple databases

Editing plain text files

Online resources

Commands and arguments versus words in text Searching, sorting, modifying, analysing data stored in text files using command-line tools Standard input and output, pipelines: combining simple commands to perform more complex tasks using CSV and text files (e.g., from “office” tools) as simple databases Editing plain text files

Assignment (graded)

Extract, analyse and generate a report on the contents of many files.

E-mail the script, and its results, to the instructor.

Next class preparation


Week 7 — Command sequencing

Files as a natural target for automated processing

Rationale: files are the first “concrete” objects students formally encounter, so they make a natural target for automated processing.

Scaling operations

Operating on on one file ⇒ performing bulk operations on many files


Saving sequences of shell commands to automate a process.

Editing text and shell script files
Accessing command-line arguments in shell scripts

Assignment (graded)


Next class preparation


Week 8 — Shell variables


Filename expansion

Iterating over multiple files using a variable

Parameter substitution

Indirect command execution

File attribute manipulation

Assignment (graded)


Next class preparation


Week 9 — Conditionals and loops

Command exit status

The ‘if’ statement

The ‘case’ statement

The ‘while’ statement

Common idioms in shell scripts

Scriptable commands: sed, awk


Combining scripting and command-line tools for data management. Search/organise music/photo collection by tags, simple catalogue card deck, etc.

Assignment (graded)

E-mail the script and results to the instructor.

Next class preparation


Week 10 — The Internet

How the Internet works

names, addresses and routes
the parts of an IP address
the DNS
the difference between the Internet and the Web

Standard services

web, ssh, mail, …

Finding information online

Search engines for text and other media types
Media literacy

media bias and the importance of original research

Online resources

Assignment (graded)


Next class preparation


Week 11 — Data mobility

The network is the computer

Network file systems: NFS, SMB, AFP

File transfer protocols and applications

Data distribution and file sharing

How to share very large files

Assignment (graded)

Download a text file from a server, modify and edit it using command-line tools, upload the result (to where???).

Next class preparation


Week 12 — The World Wide Web

The Internet vs. the World Wide Web

Uniform resource indicators and locators

Content delivery

Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol

Hyper-Text Mark-up Language

Anatomy of a simple web page

Using a browser as a previewer for local HTML files

Assignment (graded)

Create a simple web page: “Hello, web!”

Send the page (or a URL to an online version) to the TA by e-mail

Next class preparation


Week 13 — Content creation

HTML and the structure of web pages

Common tags and content types


Web page verification

Search Engine Optimisation?

Content management systems

Markup (HTML) vs. markdown (WP, Wiki, Github, …)

Assignment (graded)

Hand-made web page on a topic of interest

Next class preparation


Week 14 — Web applications and cloud services

How they work

Client-server model and HTTP POST requests

Automatic content generation

Server-side: PHP + database

Client-side: JavaScript

Structured data mobility: XML and JSON


your services run on a virtual computer (one rain drop in a cloud of identical rain drops)

the software is never out of date


there is no such thing as the cloud, it's just someone else's computer

your data is stored on someone else's computer.

your application runs partly on someone else's computer, partly on your computer

the software is never out of date

one way to obtain the benefits without the risks:

Types of cloud services

Types of cloud web applications

File management
Document management
Source code control
Project management

Setting up your own

LAMP/MAMP stacks

open-source resources for self-hosted cloud services

use case systems
source code control Gitea (git only), Phabricator (git, Subversion, Mercurial)
project management Phabricator (source code)
portfolio management Mahara
collaborative document editing Etherpad
file synchronisation Syncthing
wiki Dokuwiki
comprehensive services Nextcloud
blog Wordpress, Hugo

Assignment (graded)


Next class preparation


Week 15 — Safety and security

Sensitive information

Effective use of passwords

Security basics

Malware, spyware, viruses, & M$ macros Effective backup strategies

Online resources

Assignment (graded)