KUAS Engineering

Command line interface

Engineers often use command line tools to help them manage files and directories, analyse data, or develop software tools. A popular command line interface available on all major operating systems is the shell. Examples include bash, which is used in the explanations below.


The command line interface is implemented by a program called a shell. The appearance and behaviour of the command line interface will differ slightly depending on which shell you are using. You can find out what shell you are using by the command:

echo $SHELL

The default shell on Linux and Windows (MobaXterm or WSL) is bash. The default shell on MacOS recently changed from bash to zsh, but they are very similar to each other. (If you want to temporarily switch from zsh to bash in MacOS, just type bash and press Enter.)

Why ‘shell’?

Why ‘bash’?

Basic command line (shell) usage

The shell prints a prompt to let you know it is waiting for your next command. Prompts are personal and configurable, so they will look different depending on the default configuration used by your installation.

MobaXterm on Windows with prompt style 'modern' MobaXterm modern
date, time, current directory >
MobaXterm on Windows with prompt style 'standard' MobaXterm standard
[date, time] current directory
[account name . computer name] >
WSL running Debian WSL running Debian
account name @ computer name : current directory $
Xubuntu Xubuntu
account name @ computer name : current directory $

As you are typing the command you can use Backspace to correct errors. If you want to discard the entire command, type Ctrl-u (hold down Control while typing u). When you have finished typing the command do not forget to press Enter so that the shell knows you have finished typing.

In the rest of this document fixed-width text indicates the name of something (usually a file or directory) or output that the computer prints, fixed-width font in a box indicates something you would type, and:

$ a large box with several lines indicates a dialogue with the shell, with your input $ in bold and the computer's output in non-bold

Note that the Enter pressed at the end of every command is not shown explicitly.


Interrupting programs

To interrupt (terminate) a running program, hold down the Control key while typing C. (This is usually written Ctrl+C.)



File and directory paths use the forward slash '/' to separate directory names in a path. '/' (the directory with no name) is the 'root' directory, the top-most directory in the filesystem.

Every computer user has a 'home' directory where the files belonging to that user are stored. If your account name is fred then on Mac and Windows your home directory is /Users/fred and on Linux your home directory is /home/fred.

/ the 'root' directory, at the top of the filesystem hierarchy
/usr the directory usr, a sub-directory of / the 'root' directory
/usr/bin the directory bin, a subdirectory of /usr
. the current directory
.. the parent directory (except at the root, where .. points back to the root)
~ a compact notation for your home directory
~/Pictures a compact notation for the Pictures directory in your home directory
~bob a compact notation for bob's home directory
~bob/tmp a compact notation for bob's temporary directory in his home directory


How the shell interprets what you type

Most lines you type at the prompt have the same form:

prompt$ command arg1 arg2argN

The first thing on the line is a command. It tells the shell what you want to do. A few of the most popular commands are built-in to the shell and interpreted by it directly. Most of the commands are programs located in standard places, such as /bin and /usr/bin.

Following the command are zero or more arguments. These convey additional information to the command, such as the name of files/directories or options (starting with a dash `-') that modify how the command behaves.

The first thing the shell does when you press Enter is to split the line you typed into command and arguments. It does this by looking for white space (space and tab characters). After they have done their job of separating command and arguments, the white space characters are discarded. This is one reason why it is a bad idea to put spaces in file names. If you really want to put spaces in file names or other arguments, we will see ways of quoting words.

A surprisingly useful built-in command is echo which prints the arguments (if any) that you pass to it, followed by a newline character. In addition to printing messages (and blank lines) echo is useful because it lets you see exactly how the shell is manipulating what you type before running a command.


Moving around the file system

Every running program, including the shell, has a current working directory. In the shell this is where you appear 'to be' within the filesystem. When you start the shell, the current working directory is set to your home directory.

If you use a file or directory name that does not begin with / then the search for that file/directory begins in the current working directory (instead of at the root of the filesystem). These are called relative paths because the file/directory they refer to changes as you move your working directory around in the filesystem. File/directory names that begin with / are called absolute paths.

The pwd command prints the current working directory. The cd command changes the current working directory.

pwd Print the current working directory name.
cd Change current directory to your home directory.
cd /usr/local Change current directory to /usr/local.
cd bin Change current directory to bin which is a sub-directory of the current directory.
cd .. Change current directory to the parent directory of the current directory.
cd $TMPDIR Change current directory to the directory defined by the environment variable TMPDIR.
cd ~ Change the current directory to your home directory.
cd ~bob Change the current directory to the user bob's home directory (if you have permission).
cd - Change back to the previous working directory (the - is interpreted specially).


Listing directory contents

The ls command lists the details of files and directories (including their contents). By default it lists the details (and contents) of the current directory.

ls List the current directory.
ls -l List the current directory using long format (showing details read from the file's inode in the listing).

For example:

Long format listing

For regular files, execute permission means they can be run as a program. For directories, execute permission means they can be searched (listed by ls, etc.). Each permission has its own dedicated position in the mode display, and is either a letter (r/w/x) indicating ‘allowed’ or a dash (-) indicating ‘denied’. Here is a summary of the modes:

r-------- Allow read by owner.
-w------- Allow write by owner.
--x------ For files, allow execution by owner; for directories, allow the owner to search in the directory.
---r----- Allow read by group members.
----w---- Allow write by group members.
-----x--- For files, allow execution by group members; for directories, allow group members to search in the directory.
------r-- Allow read by others.
-------w- Allow write by others.
--------x For files, allow execution by others; for directories allow others to search in the directory.

Other options understood by ls include:

ls -a List the current directory including hidden files. (Hidden files start with '.', therefore '.' and ..' are usually hidden.)
ls -R List recursively (-R) the current directory and all files/directories below it in the directory hierarchy.
ls -ld * List all the file and directory names in the current directory using long format (-l), showing details about directory inodes (-d) rather than about the files they contain.
ls -F Place a character after each file name as a visual clue indicating its type. For example directories are followed by a slash (/) and executables by an asterisk (*).

To understand the -d option, try ls -l . and ls -ld ..


Changing file permissions and attributes

Every file 'belongs' to exactly one user. This user is the 'owner' of the file. Every file also 'belongs' to exactly one group. A group is a collection of users, and each user can belong to several groups. The idea is that a team of users working together can create a group and then share access to files and directories among members of the group. Access to files is therefore controlled for three sets of people: the user (owner) of the file, the members of the group to which the file belongs, and others (everyone else).

The chmod command changes the access mode of a file. The access mode of a file is a collection of nine permissions that control reading, writing, and executing the file. Each of these activities can be controlled independently for the file's user (its owner), members of the file's group, and others (anyone who is neither the owner of the file nor a member of the same group as the file).

To specify how to modify the permissions say who the change applies to (u, g, o, or a which means 'all of them'), then what kind of change (+ to add, - to remove, or = to set), and then which activities are being modified (r, w, x, or a meaning 'all of them').

The option -R applies the specified mode recursively to a directory and everything below it in the hierarchy.

chmod a+x file Add execute permission to file for all (user, group, and others).
chmod go-w file Remove write permission from file for members of the group and for others.
chmod u=rwx,go=rx file Set the permissions of file to be rwx for the user, and r-x for group members and all others.
chmod 755 file Set the permissions of file to be rwx for the user, and r-x for the group and others. (7 = 111 in binary = rwx, and 5 = 101 in binary = r-x). Note that chmod 0 file removes all permissions for everyone.)
chgrp www-data file Change the group of file to www-data.
chown piumarta file Change the owner (user) of file to piumarta.
chown -R piumarta dir Change the owner of dir, and everything below it in the directory tree, to piumarta.

You must be the owner of the file/directory, or be logged in as the user root (the 'superuser'), before you can do any of these things.


Moving, renaming, and copying files

The following commands copy files, move files, remove files, make directories, and remove directories.

cp file1 file2 Copy file1 to file2. If file2 exists, it will be over-written.
cp -p file1 file2 Copy file1 to file2 preserving (-p) inode information (permissions, timestamps, etc.).
cp -r dir1 dir2 Copy recursively (-r) dir1 and its contents to dir2.
cp -pr dir1 dir2 Copy dir1 and its contents to dir2 preserving permissions, timestamps, etc.
mv file1 file2 Move file1 to file2. If file2 exists, it will be deleted before file1 is renamed. If file1 and file2 are in the same filesystem, only directory entries are modified (the inode, and the contents of the file1, are not copied or even modified at all).
mv file1 ~/tmp/ Move file1 into sub-directory tmp in your home directory.
rm file … Remove (delete) one or more files. When a file is deleted, its directory entry is deleted and the link count on its inode is reduced by 1. The inode and the contents of the file are not actually deleted unless the link count drops to 0.
rm -r dir … Recursively (-r) remove a directory and its contents.
rm -f file … Forcibly (-f) remove a file (with no warning if the file is write-protected or not found).
rm -rf dir … Forcibly remove a directory and its contents.
mkdir dir1 [dir2…] Make (create) new directories.
mkdir -p path/to/dir Create a directory including any missing parent directories that dir requires.
rmdir dir1 [dir2…] Remove an empty directory. (If the directory is not empty, the command will fail.)

The command line tools always assume that you know exactly what you are doing and they will try to do what you ask without complaint or warning, even if what you are asking them to do will cause great damage. Be very careful with rm -f, rm -r, and especially rm -rf. If you accidentally type rm -rf / tmp/junk (with an unintended space between '/' and 'tmp') then you will (1) erase the entire disk (rm -rf / erases recursively, without warning, the root directory and everything below it) and (2) spend the next several hours reinstalling your operating system and recovering all your files from the last backup that you made.

A safer way to perform the rm -rf /tmp/junk command is:

cd /tmp
pwd verify twice that this command actually printed '/tmp'
ls junk verify twice that you see only the files you want to delete
rm -rf junk

Remember: the command line does not have a 'trash can'. You cannot undo the rm command.

Pro tip: Instead of removing files, first mkdir old and then mv the unwanted files into old. When you have finished your session, if everything still looks and works as expected, finish by deleting the contents of the old directory and then rmdir old.


Viewing and editing files

cat files... Concatenate one or more files and send the result to the screen.
less file Show the contents of file one page at a time. Within less you can use the following commands:

Up or Down scroll up or down one line
SPACE or f or PageDown scroll one page forward
b or PageUp scroll one page backwards
g or Home scroll to the start of the file
G or End scroll to the end of the file
q quits the program.
nano file Edit a file using the nano editor. (Install it with apt-get install nano.)
head file Show the first ten lines of file.
head -n num file Show the first num lines of file.
tail file Show the last ten lines of file.
tail -n num file Show the last num lines of file.


Searching for strings in files: grep

Grep searches the contents of one or more files for particular strings (sequences of characters).

grep string files.. Print all the lines in one or more files that contain the given string.


Why 'grep'?

Searching for files: find

find directory -name pattern Find all the files in directory whose name matches pattern.
find . -name command.log Find files named command.log in the current directory, or in any subdirectory below it in the directory tree.
find / -name '*.txt' Find all files whose names end in .txt anywhere on the disk.
find .. -type d Find all directories (-type d) that are below the parent directory.

Search patterns

The grep and find program match strings and filenames using patterns. Most characters in a pattern match themselves literally (as in the command.log example above). Some characters are wildcards and do not match themselves literally (as in the *.txt example above). The most common examples are:

? Match any single character, no matter what it is.
* Match zero or more characters, no matter what they are.
[chars] Match one character from the given list of chars.

Hence 'a*.t?[rp]' will match 'about.tmp' and 'archive.tar' but will not match 'about.txt' or 'about.temp' or 'other.tar'.


Counting characters, words, and lines

The wc program prints character, line, and word count for text files.

wc essay.txt Print the number of characters, words, and lines in the file essay.txt.
wc -l *.txt Print the number of lines in all the text files (whose names end in .txt) in the current directory.

Features of the shell

Environment variables

Environment variables store values for later use. For example:

foo=42 Set the variable foo to the value 42.
export TEMPDIR=/mnt/bigdisk/tmp Set the variable TEMPDIR to the value /mnt/bigdisk/tmp.

When assigning to a variable you just use its name on the left of the assignment operator '='. (Note that there must not be any spaces either side of the '='.) To get the value of the variable you put $ in front of its name. (The $ tells the shell to replace the next thing on the line with something else. If the 'next thing' is the name of a variable then it is replaced with the value of that variable, or nothing if the variable is not defined. This is called variable substitution.) You can use variables this way in any command. Assuming the above assignments:

bash-3.2$ cd $TEMPDIR bash-3.2$ pwd /mnt/bigdisk/tmp bash-3.2$ echo $foo bash-3.2$

Environment variables are often used to control the behaviour of programs. Several environment variables affect the behaviour of the shell itself.

bash-3.2$ OLDPS1="$PS1" bash-3.2$ PS1="what should I do next? " what should I do next? pwd /mnt/bigdisk/tmp what should I do next? echo $foo 42 what should I do next? PS1="$OLDPS1" bash-3.2$


Path name expansion

The same patterns that are used by grep and find are also used by the shell to match file names that you type on the command line. If a pattern on the command line matches at least one file then it is replaced by the matching filename(s). If a pattern matches no files then it is not replaced. Assuming your current directory contains only two files called 'data.txt' and 'results.txt' then:

bash-3.2$ echo *.log *.log bash-3.2$ echo *.txt data.txt results.txt bash-3.2$

Hidden files and directories (whose names begin with '.') are not included in the results of path name expansion.


When the shell sees a wildcard in a word it will try to replace it with as many matching filenames as it can find. The command find . -name *.txt will normally find all .txt files under the current directory. However, if the current directory contains a file called data.txt then the shell will replace the pattern *.txt with data.txt before running the find command. The result will be is as if you had typed find . -name data.txt which is probably not what you wanted. To prevent the shell from expanding wildcards in path names, surround the name with single quotes: find . -name '*.txt'

Double quotes "…" work almost the same way, except that $ continues to perform variable substitution and command substitution (see below) within the quoted text.

bash-3.2$ echo '$HOME *.txt' $HOME *.txt bash-3.2$ echo "$HOME *.txt" /home/piumarta *.txt bash-3.2$ echo $HOME *.txt /home/piumarta data.txt bash-3.2$

Interactive history

A feature of bash is that you can use the up-arrow keys to access your previous commands, edit them (if desired) by typing, and re-execute them by pressing Enter.

To see a list of recently used commands, type: fc -l

Command and filename completion

Another feature of bash is that you can use the TAB key to complete a partially typed filename. For example, if you have a file called 'shopping-list-for-pizza-party-on-july-27.txt' in your directory and want to edit it you can type nano shop, press the TAB key, and bash will fill in the rest of the name for you (assuming that only one file starts with 'shop' in your current directory).

If there are multiple completions, if pressing TAB more than once will show you a list of all the possible completions.


The redirection operator > file writes a command's output to the given file (the original contents of file will be deleted first). The redirection operator >> file appends a command's output to the given file.

grep string filename > newfile Redirect the output of the grep command to the file 'newfile'.
grep string filename >> existfile Append the output of the grep command to the end of 'existfile'.

One way to see a very long list of files one page at a time is to redirect the output of ls to a file, then look at the file one page at a time using less:

bash-3.2$ ls -l > /tmp/listing.txt bash-3.2$ less /tmp/listing.txt contents of file displayed bash-3.2$

A similar redirection < file exists to connect a program's input to a file instead of reading from the keyboard.

grep string Print lines typed at the keyboard that match string.
grep string < filename Print lines read from filename that match string.



The pipe operator '|' (vertical bar) is used to direct the output of one command to the input of another command. For example:

ls -l | less This runs the long (-l) format directory listing command ls -l and redirects its output (|) to the input of the less command. Compared to the example above, this is a much better way to view a very long list of files one page at a time.
du -s * | sort -n | tail The command du -s lists the byte size (-s) of the disk usage of all files and directories in the current working directory. The output is piped into sort which sorts the lines on its input numerically (-n) from smallest to largest and prints the result. Finally the output from sort -n is piped into the tail command, which displays only the last few results (which will be the largest, because of the sorting).

The last example demonstrates the philosophy that underlies many of the command-line tools, which emphasizes composability (instead of monolithic design). Each program does one thing (well) and is written to work together with other programs by creating pipelines that connect the output of one command to the input of the next command in the pipeline, as demonstrated in the example above.


Command substitution

You can use the output of one command as an input to another command in another way called command substitution. Command substitution replaces part of a command with the output from another command. The part of the command to be substituted is written inside $( and ).

cat *.txt Concatenate the contents of all text files in the current directory and print the result on the screen.
find . -name '*.txt' Print the path names of all .txt files in the current directory or anywhere below it in the directory hierarchy.
cat $(find . -name '*.txt') Concatenate the contents of all text files in the current directory or anywhere below it in the directory hierarchy.


Arithmetic substitution

Arithmetic substitution replaces part of a command with the result of an arithmetic expression. The part of the command to be substituted is written inside $(( and )) and should be a valid arithmetic expression involving integers and variables. Within the expression, variable names will be substituted even if they are not preceded with the usual '$' character.

bash-3.2$ foo=20 bash-3.2$ echo $foo 20 bash-3.2$ echo $((foo*2)) 40 bash-3.2$ foo=$(((foo+1)*2)) bash-3.2$ echo $foo 42 bash-3.2$

Looking for help: man and help

Most commands have a manual page which gives useful (often detailed and sometimes cryptic) descriptions of their usage. Example:

man ls Show the manual page for the ls command.
man bash Show the manual page for the bash command.
man man Show the manual page for the man command.

The last of these commands explains that the man command has a -k option that means 'keyword', and prints a list of all manual pages mentioning that keyword.

bash-3.2$ man -k editor nano (1) - Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone sed (1) - stream editor for filtering and transforming text bash-3.2$

(Your list, expecially on Linux, is probably a lot longer than this.)

For help with built-in commands (such as echo) type help. On its own it shows you a summary of the built-in commands. With the name of a command it explains in detail how that command works. Try both help on its own and help help.


Editing text files with nano



Most command line environments have access to nano, a small and simple editor for plain text files. To edit file.txt with nano, type: nano file.txt

The table below lists many of the commands for editing text with nano. (Ctrl+X means hold down the Control key while typing X. Depending on your computer and operating system, Alt+X could mean type X while holding down Alt or Command or Option or Windows. You can also simulate Alt+X by typing Escape before typing X.)

To see the built-in guide to the commands, press Ctrl-G.

File handling Moving around
Ctrl+S Save current file Ctrl+B One character backward
Ctrl+O Offer to write file (“Save as”) Ctrl+F One character forward
Ctrl+R Read (insert) a file into current one Ctrl+ One word backward
Ctrl+X Exit from nano Ctrl+ One word forward
Editing Ctrl+A To start of line
Ctrl+K Cut current line Ctrl+E To end of line
Alt+6 Copy current line Ctrl+P One line up
Ctrl+U Paste Ctrl+N One line down
Alt+T Cut until end of file Ctrl+ To previous block
Ctrl+] Complete current word Ctrl+ To next block
Alt+3 Comment/uncomment line/region Ctrl+Y One page up
Alt+U Undo last action Ctrl+V One page down
Alt+E Redo last undone action Alt+\ To top of file
Search and replace Alt+/ To end of file
Ctrl+Q Start backward search Special movement
Ctrl+W Start forward search Alt+G Go to specified line
Alt+Q Find next occurrence backward Alt+] Go to complementary bracket
Alt+W Find next occurrence forward Alt+ Scroll viewport up
Alt+R Start a replacing session Alt+ Scroll viewport down
Deletion Alt+< Switch to previous file
Ctrl+H Delete character before cursor Alt+> Switch to next file
Ctrl+D Delete character under cursor Information
Alt+Bsp Delete word to the left Ctrl+C Report cursor position
Ctrl+Del Delete word to the right Alt+D Report word/line/char count
Alt+Del Delete current line Ctrl+G Display help text
Operations Miscellaneous
Ctrl+T Run spell checker (if available) Alt+A Turn the mark on/off
Ctrl+J Justify paragraph or region Tab Indent marked region
Alt+J Justify entire file Shift+Tab Unindent marked region
Alt+B Run a syntax check Alt+N Turn line numbers on/off
Alt+F Run a formatter/fixer/arranger Alt+P Turn visible whitespace on/off
Alt+: Start/stop recording of macro Alt+V Enter next keystroke verbatim
Alt+; Replay macro Ctrl+L Refresh the screen
Ctrl+Z Suspend nano

Shell scripts

Useful sequences of commands can be stored in a file and executed as a single command. For example, when working on a project it might be useful to make a snapshot of all the files in a directory. The snapshot directory should be named after the current date and time. Here is a simple script that does exactly that.

DIR=".checkpoint-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)"
mkdir    "$DIR"
cp -pr * "$DIR"
ls -ld   "$DIR"

The only unfamiliar command is date. This is what each line of the script does:

All scripts should begin with a line similar to this one. It tells the operating system that this is a script (#!) and then the name of an interpreter that can understand the contents of the script (in this case the shell /bin/bash).

DIR=".checkpoint-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)"
The date command prints the date and time in the specified format: four-digit year (%Y) two-digit month (%m) two-digit day (%d) a literal dash (-) two-digit hour (%H) two-digit minute (%M) two-digit seconds (%S). The output from date is by substituted ($(…)) into the enclosing command, which stores the path name of the new checkpoint directory in a variable (DIR="…").

mkdir "$DIR"
The checkpoint directory is created (mkdir) using the value of the previously-stored variable ("$DIR").

cp -pr * "$DIR"
All non-hidden file and directory path names (*) are copied (cp) recursively (-r) while preserving timestamps (-p) from the current directory into the checkpoint directory ($"DIR"). (Because the checkpoint directories all begin with '.' they are hidden, they will not be included in the expansion of *, and will therefore not be included in the copy operation.)

ls -ld "$DIR"
As feedback to the user, list (ls) in long format (-l) the details of the checkpoint directory (-d) that was created.

Running a script has the same effect as typing the commands it contains, one at a time, at the prompt. (One way to develop a part of a script is to do exactly that, until the desired effect is achieved, then copy the commands into the script being written.)

Assuming the script is in a file called 'checkpoint.sh' and is executable (chmod +x checkpoint.sh) then running it will produce something like this:

bash-3.2$ ls 01-cursor-hmove-bb-1.png 01-cursor-hmove.obj 01-cursor-hmove.png 01-example-email.txt 01-cursor-hmove-bb.pdf 01-cursor-hmove.pdf 01-example-email-attachment.txt bash-3.2$ ./checkpoint.sh drwxrwxr-x 2 piumarta staff 374 2020-10-10 15:26 .checkpoint-20201010-152935 bash-3.2$ ls .checkpoint-20201010-152935 01-cursor-hmove-bb-1.png 01-cursor-hmove.obj 01-cursor-hmove.png 01-example-email.txt 01-cursor-hmove-bb.pdf 01-cursor-hmove.pdf 01-example-email-attachment.txt bash-3.2$